Environment: Natural Resource Management |
Restoration of Degraded Forests and Livelihood Improvement of Forest-Dependent Communities (OFSDP-II) |
NYSASDRI is implementing the "Odisha Forestry Sector Development Project- BANAYAN" in collaboration with the Odisha Forestry Sector Development Society (OFSDS), the Government of Odisha in six field management units (FMUs): Dhenkanal, Hindol, Kamakshya Nagar East, Kamakshya Nagar West, Sadangi, and Kapilash of Dhenkanal district. The programme has been functioning since December 2017, and NYSASDRI gained tremendous experience in the project's operational areas. The project has twin objectives: the restoration of degraded forests, and the livelihood improvement of forest-dependent communities. In each FMU, a staff consisting of one team leader and one development officer, NRM, Farm Forestry and Institutional linkages, and Development Officer Community development and Livelihood deployed by NYSASDRI and total 18 no staffs engaged in the progamme. Conducted General Body Meeting of VanaSurakshaSamiti (VSS), Animator Selection, Formation of Various Working Group Committee Opening of VSS Bank Accounts, Survey was conducted to demarcating the VSS assigned area, and prepared maps by using GPS depicting the forest density, species, slope, area of plantation, drainage lines, and forests.
Resources and other programs are ongoing, including micro-plan preparation, capacity-building training, a convergence program with the Line Department, animators training, forest development activities (such as soil and moisture conservation [SMC]), loose boulder check dam (LBCD), awareness of forest fires and exposure visit organized to different resourceful institutions. In addition, staff are engaged in other forest-related programmes through this initiative, including farm forestry, nursery raising, plantation, demarcation of forests, pillar posting, construction of VSS buildings, and income-generating activities with Women self-help groups. |
Demographic Position of VSS under OFSDP-II |
Sl.No. |
Name of FMU |
No. of
R. Village
No. of GP
No. of VSSs
Covered |
Total HHs covered |
Populations |
Total Nos of SHGs |
Total Nos of SHGs Member |
1 |
Dhenkanal |
18 |
12 |
25 |
2824 |
14058 |
183 |
2196 |
2 |
Hindol |
19 |
13 |
27 |
4367 |
19101 |
256 |
2855 |
3 |
K.Nagar East |
18 |
9 |
26 |
2586 |
7758 |
210 |
2520 |
4 |
K.Nagar West |
17 |
13 |
26 |
3898 |
17551 |
252 |
2745 |
5 |
Sadangi |
18 |
15 |
28 |
3822 |
18525 |
186 |
1962 |
6 |
Kapilash |
13 |
6 |
18 |
2699 |
8097 |
133 |
1463 |
Total |
103 |
68 |
150 |
20196 |
85090 |
1220 |
13741 |
Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) |
IWMP- Batch V Sadar -1, Odisha Watershed Development Mission (OWDM), the State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA), Agriculture Department, and Government of Odisha are implementing an Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) in 26 districts of Odisha. NYSASDRI acted as the project implementing agency for the empanelment of NGO-Project implementing agency (NGO-PIA) under IWMP batch-V (2013-14) projects for Dhenkanal district Sadar - I. Activities included signing an MoU, creating the open pass book, transferring money, setting up a project office in Govindpur, and starting field activities such as meeting with the community, capacity-building training, initiation of detailed project reports, and entry point activities in 07 Grampanchay that cover 11 micro-watersheds in 18 villages of Dhenkanal district. Other activities include the orientation and capacity-building of staff, creating awareness among the community about the watershed programme, and the construction of immediate need-based activities in the proposed watershed area. In the year 2015-16, due to some modifications at the national policy level, the new modified programme has not been implemented. Therefore, other supportive programmes under the project such as the community mobilisation, village meetings, and construction of entry point activities were conducted. |