12A Certificate (Renewed)
80G Certificate (Renewed)
Recognition of United Nations
Certificate of Honor
FCRA Certificate
Registration Certificate
80G Certificate of NYSASDRI (Old)
12A Certificate (Old)
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Hospital
A NYSASDRI staff is the first recipient of CAROL R. LUBIN international award (IFS Youth fellowship Award) by IFS for her remarkable achievements in the field of Sex Education in Odisha.
Appreciation from the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI/ NGO)(UN Press Release PI/1597 dated 20th July 2004)
Member of Vision 2020, an organization formed by IABP and the World Health Organization (WHO)
Listed by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India in its Data base of NGOs.
Awardee of Kamapala Mohanty Memorial Award for Environment 2008 by Nehuru institute of youth affairs Bhubaneswar
Promote quality of life for community in need through providing affordable eye care service on a sustainable basis.
Consecutive winner of Remarkable Achievements in Eye-care Award as a district based NGO from District Blindness Control Society (DBCS).
About Us
What We Are
Team Members
Governing Body
Director's Message
Alliance Building